Sunday, February 26, 2017

Surf Shack

The first week of August the kids and I had vacation bible school at church.
 The theme this year was surf shack.  The kids really enjoyed the music and all the fun sessions.
 Their favorite sessions were science and crafts.
 I spent the week in the kitchen with these wonderful ladies preparing the snack for all the kiddos.

 The week concluded with a luau.  The Kona ice truck came and provided snow cones for everyone.
The kids sang some of the songs they learned. 
 Audrey had fun with the limbo.  Carter dunked his Sunday school teacher with the dunk tank.  I'm bummed I didn't get a pic or video of it.
 The science leader had a lot of fun experiments for the kiddos every day.
 Audrey hula hooping on crazy day
 The kiddos ready for crazy day/Wacky Wednesday

The decorations were fun and colorful. The kids had a blast all week.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Sports wrap up

 Swim team wrapped up at the end of July.
 It's always neat to see how much the kids improve over the summer

 We didn't travel to the all conference meet this year.  Chuck was on call and the weekend is too involved to go on my own.
 Tennis and golf also came to a close at the end of July.  Audrey finished strong and placed second for the 3 holes girls championship.
With all the sports practices over it gave us time to finally catch Finding Dory before it left the theater.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Family golf

This last summer we started making golf a family activity.  The kids enjoyed going to the range together.
 Evelyn kept asking for Carter's help.
 We would take advantage of the slow evenings at the club and get 9 holes in.
 We're hoping this next summer Evelyn will start swinging on her own.
 We had a lot of gorgeous nights like this one.  Carter is teeing off hole #3.  The hole where Carter and I lose a lot of balls.
Chuck couldn't be happier to have all of us out golfing with him.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

4th of July-part 2

 Aaron took the kids around the lake for the boat parade
 Getting ready for fireworks with all sorts of glow accessories.  Thank you Tita Angela and Uncle Brett!
 The girls loved the glow earrings
 Carter and Audrey likes the sparklers.  Evelyn was scared and wouldn't hold them.
 Everyone in the water enjoying the gorgeous day
 Carter goofing off while tubing
 Gymnastics in the sand
 1, 2, 3, jump!
 My water loving kiddos
Family pic on the boat.  It was a fun weekend at the lake.  Thank you Uncle John and Aunt Tami!

Sunday, February 12, 2017

4th of July-part 1

 We started the weekend at the lake right with $1 waffle cones at Culvers.
 Enjoying the lake
 Carter had a lot of fun tubing with Aaron this year.
 Aaron was very brave and took all the kiddos on a boat ride.
 Audrey would only tube with Aaron.  I couldn't convince her to ride by herself this year.

 The girls like riding in the boat and helping spot.
 Carter fell in love with the Sargent's guinea pig.
 All the littles enjoying bomb pops.
 The girls playing nicely on the swings.
Everyone in the sand or water.  It was a beautiful weekend.