Sunday, February 25, 2018

trip trap

 Our mini miss has been looking forward to this moment since the first day of school.  She finally is going to trip trap over the bridge.
 After the kiddos sang some songs the teachers held hands in a circle around the graduating kids.  It was such a sweet moment as they prayed over them.
 Then, one by one they got called up to trip trap.  The director gave each of them a blessing and a big hug before sending them over the bridge.
 She absolutely flew across so fast that all I could get was this blurry picture.  I had no idea she would be that quick!
 After trip trapping all three of her teachers (her 3's & 4's teachers and her 2 year old teacher) were there to give her a big hug.  You can tell in these pictures how much these teachers truly care about the kiddos.
 The highlight of the program is the ice cream social.
 It's so bitter sweet to see these kiddos move on.
 Evelyn has been with these friends since 2 year old preschool.  We couldn't have asked for a better group of friends.
 Not to mention the moms.  These ladies have been my village the last 3 years.  I'm so grateful for their friendship.
 Her 3's & 4's teachers
 Her buddy Jonathan.  He graduated from the all day class.
 Love these 2
It's so hard to believe our baby is done with preschool.  There were times I wanted to keep her home one more year since she is so young for her class. She doesn't want to be held back and is so ready to move on. I know she'll do great.

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