Christmas Eve we always let the kids open some of their presents. Partly to make room for Santa to leave more that night and partly so it doesn't take all day Christmas day to open presents.
Excited to finally open presents! Carter of course picked one that was wrapped in lego star wars paper and Audrey picked one wrapped with princess paper.
More legos! Thanks Grandma Debbie & Mike
After opening only 2 presents each they were done opening presents. Carter got a remote controlled helicopter and Chuck and Carter had to take it outside right away. They played with it for over an hour! I had to call them in to leave for dinner.
After playing with the helicopter it was time to head over to the Grimm's. We had a potluck dinner with the Grimms and Grahams. It was nice to have one last holiday dinner with our medical family. Once again I set down the camera after taking the kids picture and forgot to get some of the adults.
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