Monday, December 21, 2015

School open house

 By the time we got back from the beach it was already time to get ready for school.  Carter and Audrey had their open house.  They always enjoy getting to see their classroom, teachers and find out what friends are in their class.  They also get to drop off their school supplies so they aren't loaded down the first day of school.
 Audrey's teacher sent her on a QR code scavenger hunt to get to know where everything is in the classroom.
 The last task for her was to fill out the all about me sheet.
 She filled out the answers to her favorites: color-red. food-meatballs, animal-monkey and book-Amelia Bedelia
 After Audrey finished, we moved on to Carter's classroom.  He had this message waiting on his desk
I "mustache" you to try your best this year!  The mustache is a magnet.
 This is the first year he gets a locker.  He thought that was pretty cool.  I can't believe I have a fourth grader!  That is just sounding too old.
 The school also had a photo booth set up.  Evelyn had to get in the mix of course.
But they wanted one without her in it since she doesn't go to their school.
 We also visited the butterfly garden that Carter helped plant last year.  It was neat to see so many butterflies on the plants.
 We spent the last days of summer swimming at the club.
Summer went by way too quickly this year!

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